Monday, October 8, 2018

2018 read #21: The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman.

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman
331 pages
Published 2016
Read from October 7 to October 8
Rating: 3 out of 5

A rollicking but lightweight fantasy adventure seemingly conceived, designed, and executed with an eye to maximum nerd satisfaction. A secret Library existing outside of space and time opens a myriad of doors onto worlds throughout the multiverse, sending operatives out to obtain and spirit away unique works of fiction for preservation within its vast halls, its true purpose only hinted at. Eager Librarians (obsessed with books, just like YOU!) adventurously track down volumes, facing a whole Monster Manual's worth of gargoyles, hellhounds, vampires, werewolves, Fae, dragons, and zeppelins in order bring back even a single precious tome, protected and aided by their command over the linguistic underpinnings of reality itself. The main hero is snarky, her protégé is handsome and good at spin-kicks, and the plot does that thing where every chapter ends with a fresh new complication. Inevitably, there are multiple jokes about prescriptive grammar rules. It's fan-pleasing pulp in its most elemental form, and it's pretty good at achieving its modest aims.

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