Tuesday, August 13, 2024

2024 read #95: Delicious in Dungeon: Volume 3 by Ryoko Kui.

Delicious in Dungeon: Volume 3 by Ryoko Kui
Translated by Taylor Engel
191 pages
Published 2016 (English translation published 2017)
Read August 13
Rating: 4 out of 5

In my reviews for both prior volumes, I emphasized how faithfully this manga had been adapted into the anime. But there are still some differences between the different media.

The pacing is better in the manga, I think. Flashbacks and cuts to different parties seem more natural on the printed page. Character beats land with more solidity than they do in the animated version; Namari, in particular, seems way more present in this tankōbon than she did in the corresponding episodes (which is great, because I adore her as a character). The arc where the party is stuck at the level of the underground lake seemed to overstay its welcome in the show, but feels perfectly fine here.

Perhaps all of that is because I know where things are going and no longer feel antsy whenever a subplot gets in the way of what I thought was the main quest.

All in all, of course, the adaptation was extremely faithful. I’ve noticed only a couple major changes from page to screen. I’ve hit my stride reading this series, though, mostly shedding the feeling of repetition in favor of a lovely comfort read vibe.

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