Thursday, June 13, 2024

2024 read #68: Witch Hat Atelier: Volume 3 by Kamome Shirahama.

Witch Hat Atelier: Volume 3 by Kamome Shirahama
Translated by Stephen Kohler
191 pages
Published 2018 (English translation published 2019)
Read June 13
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

After I read Volume 2, I meant to give my bank account a little break and not immediately rush out for the next installment. My partner R, however, treated me to it, so we're back at it again!

This volume spends much of its run establishing plot points and developing characters. Important "setting the table" stuff, to be sure, but it feels like a bit of a lull. I think part of that feeling comes from how it resolves the cliffhanger that ended Volume 2. (Mild spoiler: They Steven Universe it and convince their antagonists to stop, mid attack, by talking it through. Nothing wrong with resolving conflict by talking it through, but it's anticlimactic go through the trouble of a cliffhanger to get there.) The art remains as solid as ever, but this installment didn't give Shirahama as much opportunity to flex her splash page skills.

Overall, I'm glad to have a bit of a hangout vibe, giving our characters some space to breathe. But not all that much happens here, making this specific volume feel a bit thin, especially in comparison to the wonderfully paced first book.

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