Thursday, May 30, 2024

2024 read #59: The Tea Dragon Society by K. O’Neill.

The Tea Dragon Society written and illustrated by K. O’Neill
72 pages
Published 2020
Read May 30
Rating: 4 out of 5

I’ve seen this book included on all sorts of lists — best cozy fantasy, best queer fantasy, best fantasy for young readers — but I didn’t realize how slender a read it is. It’s charming and sweet and tells a full story with graceful efficiency. The artwork is gentle, welcoming, and delightfully pastel. The character and creature designs are the kind of cute that would make perfect stuffed toys for adult Millennials rediscovering softness and whimsy after traumatic childhoods (hi, hello, yes, it is me). It’s a worthwhile time all around. But it’s over almost before you finish your tea.

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