Wednesday, September 11, 2024

2024 read #109: Witch Hat Atelier: Volume 11 by Kamome Shirahama.

Witch Hat Atelier: Volume 11 by Kamome Shirahama
Translated by Stephen Kohler
158 pages
Published 2022 (English translation published 2023)
Read September 11
Rating: 4 out of 5

Creative block, and the pressures of deadlines, are significant themes in this volume. Which feels particularly apt this time around.

Much like Volume 10, this tankōbon largely feels like a plateau in between major plot movements, setting the pieces for what's to come. The Silver Eve procession is delightful, and this volume sees significant growth for Agott, the character I relate to the most. But, aside from a handful of flashy panels, and of course the gorgeous, monstrous menace of the cliffhanger sequence, the art and storytelling are muted, utilitarian. I assume Shirahama was pacing herself, saving her energies for more intricate pieces to come.

That's part of the manga business, or so I assume. I cannot imagine the pressures, the workload, the stress of deadlines involved in authoring an ongoing serial like this. I'd happily wait longer for volumes if it meant the artist is less stressed and has more time. But clearly, I'm not a capitalist.

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