Saturday, July 13, 2024

2024 read #81: Witch Hat Atelier: Volume 7 by Kamome Shirahama.

Witch Hat Atelier: Volume 7 by Kamome Shirahama
Translated by Stephen Kohler
171 pages
Published 2020 (English translation published 2020)
Read from July 11 to July 12
Rating: 4 out of 5

Reading four volumes in a row? Why not! It’s the hottest summer on record, and the coldest summer any of us will ever know again, and I don’t have the brain space for much else right now.

One thing I love about this series is how creative Shirahama is with her world and its magical contraptions. Atelier's setting is far more creative (and far more downright appealing) than, say, Harry Potter's. There's a particular magical contraption introduced here in Chapter 37, and which takes a central role in Chapter 38, that I don't want to spoil for anyone, but I cannot wait to see more people appreciate in the anime.

Of course, that brings us to the events of Chapter 40, which are notorious amongst the manga readers. I'm curious to see how all of this will resolve. For now, though, I'm fresh out of volumes to read.

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